Sunday, January 25, 2009

Random Fact #3 & TBL Launch

I really dislike drama and people who complain all the time. I feel that life is short, so you should live it to the fullest. What you project out is what you get back. I know I have been really blessed with a good life so far.

Right now I am doing the happy dance because I won a giveaway from Jen of Eden's Bouquet. Her clothes are exquisite and breathtaking. Thank you Jen. I will be sure to take some outdoor pictures in your clothes when the weather warms up. Can you believe it is snowing right now?

Can't leave without showing you a picture. Here is a picture of Madison modeling a set for the TBL Launch. You can view more pictures on Madison's modeling blog.



Mary said...

That is a gorgeous set! I just adore your colors here!!!!!

Robin said...

Oh my Annie!!! I LOVE that outfit on her!! I especially LOVE her sweet little smile! She isn't getting ornery now is she? lol

Ella Sophie Photography said...

Thank you so much Mary and Robin.

Robin, she is all over the place. I try to setup props. She moves everything around and brings other props into the picture and takes props out. It is pretty funny if you are not trying to take a picture of her. So pretty much try to capture what I can when she is actually standing there and not walking off. ;)

Anonymous said...

That is sooooo beautiful!! Your daughter is just gorgeous! The perfect little model!